Binyam Mohamed was a British resident, not a citizen, and was held in The U.S. government's more than dubious Guantanamo Bay camp. He claims his confession was obtained under torture - the torture being carried out in Pakistan, Morocco and Afghanistan, (and that is another bag of worms as yet not fully opened). Just as the Americans coined the phrase, "collateral damage" for the death of inoocent people in war, they, too named torture, "Enhanced Interrogation Techinques". Once again, beautiful euphemisms,
The British government was given a week to consider its refusal to disclose material involving Mr. Mohamed in August 2008, (High Court Judge ruling . Our stalwart British government argued the disclosure of its material would cause "significant damage to national security of the United Kingdom".
The wheels of the governmental bus go round and round exceedingly slowly when they choose.
Mr. David Davis, a senior Conservative and former shadow home secretary, said that a High Court ruling today, Wednesday 4th of February 2009, suggests the US threatened to withdraw intelligence help from the UK if details were released.
Now, if true, it comes as no surprise to me, given the "I rule the world" attitude of the ex-President, Mr. George "Human beings and fish can live together" Bush.
Mr Davis said the Judge had stated in Wednesday's ruling that information in the case was in the public interest although it was "potentially embarrassing" to the government.
And that is the nub of this matter, isn't it? Bad enough that the government are being continually embarrassed over other matters without adding more fuel to the fire
Mr. Mohamed? Guilty or innocent of the accusations against him, the public have a right to know considering all the rhetoric, (diatribe?), put out by the governments concerned over human rights. It seems the phrase "national security", is a very useful tool to cover a multitude of sins today, and used by many governments, even those in the so-called "free" world
Mr. Mohamed is to be released - interpret that how you will!
Mr. Mohammed is being represented by the group Reprieve - a group of human rights lawyers who have worked for many UK detainees in Guantanamo, ( http://www.reprieve.org.uk/index.html ).
There is a video on the Reprieve site - I tried to embed it here but it was taking too long to download.
A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine, (Thomas Jefferson).
See ya
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