Binyam Mohamed has arrive back in the UK this afternoon, (Monday). His treatment in Guantanamo? Guilty or not is not for me to say; BUT, no matter how bad someone's actions - there is no excuse for the treatment handed out by the American authorities responsible. Two wrongs have never made a right, and I am happy that this hell on earth created by our "brothers" across the pond is to close - it should never have opened, and its existence for so long is thanks to the complicty of the United Nations and member states. How many member states were secretly partners to extraordinary rendition? Another example of the way the U.S. government can make something horrendous sound sort of homely and apple pie like, (not as good as collateral damage).
Binyam Mohamed, I hope, will be granted leave to stay here - more will be revealed over the coming days. But for now, I hope the new president and his staff try to clean up the horrendous mess left by Bush. Only by doing that will they prove , (to me anyway), that the USA is worthy of calling itself leader of the free world. Guatanamo is a dark stain on the pages of their history - a stain it will be very hard to remove - an even darker stain on the man who claimed vehemently to be a Christian - strange sort of Christianity Bush has. Reminiscent of the Dark Ages rather than the 20th and 21st centuries.
And those governments complicit in what happened? I can only hope they sleep uneasily at night.
See ya
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