This is John Hutton, the British Defence Secretary. He has acknowledged today that in 2004 two terror suspects were handed over to U.S authorities. The two men were then transferred to Afghanistan, where they still remain, (sounds like they have a branch of Guantanemo there).
This follows numerous statements from the government about non-complicity in such things. Surprise surprise!
It's reported that"brief" references to the incident were included in papers sent to the then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Home Secretary Charles Clarke in April 2006.
Hutton said that a review of detainees held by the UK forces in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2003 had uncovered the case of the two men. None so blind as those that will not see.
They are held by our U.S. "brothers" as unlawful enemy combatants.
Previous Defence Secretaries say they knew nothing about this.
Civil liberties campaigners say they are not at all surprised by these latest revelations - neither am I; but then I guess I'm biased because I don't trust politicans anyway.
As someone has said, this is rendition. The claim is that all previous statements were made in good faith - sounds to me like previous statements were either made to cover up the truth, (lies), or the result of what they call dereliction of duty.
Can someone holding such a high government position really be so dumb as to forget? Highly unlikely I think.
This "close relationship" between the U.S. and UK governments, to my mind, stinks.
And Tony Blair? He said in 2005 that rendition had been a U.S. policy for many years. He said, "It is not something that I have ever actually come across until this whole thing has blown up (the row at the time about whether US extraordinary rendition planes had passed through the UK) and I don't know anything about it, and the reason why I am not going to start ordering inquiries is that I can't see a reason for doing it, I am afraid." Yeah!! Right on Tony!!!!!!
I hope some of those involved sleep uneasily at night - I hope their consciences prick them continually, although it seems highly unlikely here or in the U.S.A. because it take a certain type of person to want to take on such roles.
The one man I can think of who seemed to be lying when ever he spoke was Dick Cheney - maybe because he had the one corner of his mouth that always seemed to take on a life of its own - a sort of half sneer. What a pity such giveaways are not part of all politicians; but then, governments would never get anything done if they acted for the people rather than for their own ends,
See ya
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