He was last heard of on January 19th, and has not been seen or heard from since. He left the communist party in December 2005, and was very active in denouncing the Chinese government's treatment of the Falung Gong - this brought him to their attention in October of the same year when he wrote open letters to government officials - not a way to endear yourself to such dictators. He and his family have been under surveillance ever since.
Sophie Richardson of Human Rights Watch said, and I quote, "We are intensely fearful for Gao Zhisheng's safety at this time, given the security authorities' long history of abusing him and his family. He has given detailed accounts of how he was tortured in police custody in the past and he may well be suffering more of the same right now."
Wonder if British wonderboy and Prime Minister Gordon Brown asked after him during his meetings with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao?
Highly unlikely - he was too busy kissing arse to worry about some self-educated lawyer who was born in a cave.
Those who sup with the devil should take a long spoon - doubtful Gordon's is long enough.
See ya
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