26 February 2009


This is John Hutton, the British Defence Secretary. He has acknowledged today that in 2004 two terror suspects were handed over to U.S authorities. The two men were then transferred to Afghanistan, where they still remain, (sounds like they have a branch of Guantanemo there).
This follows numerous statements from the government about non-complicity in such things. Surprise surprise!
It's reported that"brief" references to the incident were included in papers sent to the then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Home Secretary Charles Clarke in April 2006.
Hutton said that a review of detainees held by the UK forces in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2003 had uncovered the case of the two men. None so blind as those that will not see.
They are held by our U.S. "brothers" as unlawful enemy combatants.
Previous Defence Secretaries say they knew nothing about this.
Civil liberties campaigners say they are not at all surprised by these latest revelations - neither am I; but then I guess I'm biased because I don't trust politicans anyway.
As someone has said, this is rendition. The claim is that all previous statements were made in good faith - sounds to me like previous statements were either made to cover up the truth, (lies), or the result of what they call dereliction of duty.
Can someone holding such a high government position really be so dumb as to forget? Highly unlikely I think.
This "close relationship" between the U.S. and UK governments, to my mind, stinks.
And Tony Blair? He said in 2005 that rendition had been a U.S. policy for many years. He said, "It is not something that I have ever actually come across until this whole thing has blown up (the row at the time about whether US extraordinary rendition planes had passed through the UK) and I don't know anything about it, and the reason why I am not going to start ordering inquiries is that I can't see a reason for doing it, I am afraid." Yeah!! Right on Tony!!!!!!
I hope some of those involved sleep uneasily at night - I hope their consciences prick them continually, although it seems highly unlikely here or in the U.S.A. because it take a certain type of person to want to take on such roles.
The one man I can think of who seemed to be lying when ever he spoke was Dick Cheney - maybe because he had the one corner of his mouth that always seemed to take on a life of its own - a sort of half sneer. What a pity such giveaways are not part of all politicians; but then, governments would never get anything done if they acted for the people rather than for their own ends,
See ya


Our, (well, your, for my U.S. readers), dear Hilary. Such a caring, considerate lady is the Secretary of State.
She said on her recent trip to China that economic co-operation took precedence over "points of friction", such as human rights. She went on to state that the two sides had held "candid" discussions" on this issue, (human rights), what ever candid discussions matters.
More euphemisms - "points of friction" - lovely way of putting it Hilary.
She is a politician, so one can assume she was speaking with false tongue.
Now the U.S. State department has issued its annual report on human rights. It says that China's human rights record worsened in 2008.

You'd think that the various departments in the government would co-ordinate, wouldn't you? Or am I being naieve?
Telling how it is leads to far fewer problems. No doubt the speech writers are proud of themselves - maybe your Hilary is too.
Try telling the people of Tibet how important the economy is - whisper that in the ears of all those held by Chinese authorities for doing nothing more than telling the truth.
I should not be surprised - Hilary is a politician. She is convincing though - that smile hides all.
See ya

23 February 2009


Binyam Mohamed has arrive back in the UK this afternoon, (Monday). His treatment in Guantanamo? Guilty or not is not for me to say; BUT, no matter how bad someone's actions - there is no excuse for the treatment handed out by the American authorities responsible. Two wrongs have never made a right, and I am happy that this hell on earth created by our "brothers" across the pond is to close - it should never have opened, and its existence for so long is thanks to the complicty of the United Nations and member states. How many member states were secretly partners to extraordinary rendition? Another example of the way the U.S. government can make something horrendous sound sort of homely and apple pie like, (not as good as collateral damage).
Binyam Mohamed, I hope, will be granted leave to stay here - more will be revealed over the coming days. But for now, I hope the new president and his staff try to clean up the horrendous mess left by Bush. Only by doing that will they prove , (to me anyway), that the USA is worthy of calling itself leader of the free world. Guatanamo is a dark stain on the pages of their history - a stain it will be very hard to remove - an even darker stain on the man who claimed vehemently to be a Christian - strange sort of Christianity Bush has. Reminiscent of the Dark Ages rather than the 20th and 21st centuries.
And those governments complicit in what happened? I can only hope they sleep uneasily at night.
See ya

17 February 2009


This is Jacqui Smith, the UK's Home Secretary often referred to as Jackboot Jacqui by the tabloids - renowned for her authoritarian policies, most based on the false premise that they are necessary anti-terrorist laws.

Examples? How many British citizens are aware of the plans to have a database of ALL mobile phone calls AND e-mails? What percentage of you are aware of the restrictions to the freedom of photography? Or the plan to introduce ID cards for everyone, (a move the House of Lords criticised and condemned? WAKE UP BRITS!!!!!

Her husband supports her, even if the majority of the British electorate don't. Her husband is a great supporter, even reportedly going so far as to write letters to newspapers praising her - to be fair he did not use his name or reveal he was her husband.

This is Stella Rimington - former head of MI5, and a lady who has spoken out against the government, accusing them of using terrorism to spread terror as they continue to erode human rights in this country.
In an interview with the Spanish newspaper, La Vanguardia, she said, and I quote, "It would be better that the government recognised that there are risks, rather than frightening people in order to be able to pass laws which restrict civil liberties, precisely one of the objects of terrorism - that we live in fear and under a police state,".
The International Committee of Jurists has just published a report that claims both the US and the UK are undermining the framework of international law.
It's a long report, but well worth reading.
The erosion of civil liberties and human rights by the present Labour government, and its counterpart under the venerable and somewhat crazy ex-President Bush, is something everyone should be concerned about. It's insidious and badly thought out.
Here's the link to the ICJ report - you can read a summary, or, (and I hope some of you do), download the whole report - both in .pdf format.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people - that's what Lincoln said. Today? I leave you to decide for yourself. Suffice to say, the majority of people feel they have no control over their lives - thanks New Labour and your cronies - thanks Bush, where ever you are.
Not that the US and UK are the only governments using subversion and lies to fulfill theor own agendas, and neither are they the worst; but remember the Trojan Horse - wake up before it is too late.
See ya

08 February 2009


The guy in the wheechair is 20 year old Joe Townsend - next to him is his grandfather, David Carter. Joe lost both legs and received other severe injuries when he stepped on an anti-tank mine when returning from foot patrol in the Helmund province of Afghanistan . Grandad and his wife want to build a specially adapted bungalow in their garden for Joe so he can live independently - local builders and contractors have offered to assist - so many local people support this - except for the local council planning department.

A spokesperson said "The circumstances in this case are not considered sufficient to warrant an exception to the usual restraint policies.” She also said Joe’s bungalow would be "intrusive" and breach planning laws even though no neighbours objected.
To be fair, (that's unusual for me, isn't it?), the council did offer a possible alternative site, BUT his grandparents want him close to enough to be there for him and still let him live independently.
Petty-minded bastards who sit on their fat arses in warm committee rooms fucking up other peoples's lives, especially a young guy like this who has fought for his country.
The tables amy be about to turn and permission MAY be granted - but let's keep up the pressure.
Some links and sites where you can protest - PLEASE PLEASE DO!

petition to Gordon Brown

Wealdon Council

Wealden District Council
Pine Grove
East Sussex TN6 1DH
Web site

e-mail address

Do what you can to help him
See Ya

07 February 2009


This is, was, Stanislav Markelov - more about him later.
We often condemn the press for their gung-ho attitude towards privacy – censure them for the methods they use to get their stories – it’s called freedom of the press, and when we consider freedom of speech an important right, we should accept those times when the reporting, (and reporters), seem to overstep the mark. I’m not referring here to tabloid crap headlines and sensationalism that appeal to those somewhat less than literate individuals who are only interested in the sports pages together with pictures of semi-naked women. (The joke about Times readers running the country and Sun readers not caring who runs the country as long as she’s got bit tits has an element of truth in it).
Have you heard of, or read, Novayagazeta? Probably not, but you ought to if you care about transparency and human rights - care about the right of journalists to inform.
Russia is desperate to be accepted by the USA and EU, , (in spite of its playing "big daddy over gas supplies), and there have been big changes since Glasnost; but more changes are necessary before we can truly believe they are a democratic country with the right to free speech and laws protecting human rights.
I’m sure that, as with Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park London, you can speak out on any subject you choose in the centre of Moscow. The difference is - you are highly unlikely to be assassinated in London if you do.
Not only that, if you were, (assassinated that is at Speaker's Corner), there is a general feeling of security when it comes to the judicial system – well, sort of, given the type and length of sentences some of our judges hand down, (one does wonder how a few bewigged buffoons function in today’s world).
Russia? It seems that corruption throughout the legal system, starting with the police, is rife. I know from Russian friends that the police frequently supplement their incomes by demanding on the spot payments for traffic offences, and that is at the bottom of Russia’s legal and judicial system. One dreads to think what happens higher up the food chain.
Back to journalists.
Stanislav Markelov is, was, a human rights lawyer, and was sent packing with a bullet to the back of the head in the street in broad daylight – January this year. A trainee journalist, Anastasia Baburova, was then shot. She died later from here injuries. Who did she work for? Novayagazeta.
Novayagazeta specialises in human rights stories, and Anastasia is not the first of their journalists to be killed.
Anna Politkovskaya was also a journalist for the paper – she died in 2006. Deliberations on the trial of accomplices to her killing seem to suggest that many want the procedure to be held “in camera”, (what a dumb expression for in secret).
Only this week there has been a heated discussion between Putin and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Barroso said the killing of Markelov and the trainee journalist in January was causing the EU concern. Putin? He retaliated by accusing Barroso of hypocrisy and saying the EU is guilty of human rights abuses in its prisons and when handling illegal immigrants. A cornered animal can be dangerous, and will lash out.
Are we, the EU, guilty of the crimes Putin accused us of? I don’t think any prisoners or illegal immigrants have been shot dead in cold blood recently, and, even if this did happen, I believe the due process of law would go ahead to the satisfaction of the public.
Russia, as in its government and judicial system, has a long way to go and a lot of muck raking to do before it can be accepted as having moved on from the days of the Soviet Union.
Thank what ever god you choose to worship that the owners and people working for this newspaper carry on, in spite of the risk to themselves. Take a look at the online version of the newspaper in question – it has a page in English.
See ya

04 February 2009


I am not making comment on this - yet. Just stating the case as reported today.

Binyam Mohamed was a British resident, not a citizen, and was held in The U.S. government's more than dubious Guantanamo Bay camp. He claims his confession was obtained under torture - the torture being carried out in Pakistan, Morocco and Afghanistan, (and that is another bag of worms as yet not fully opened). Just as the Americans coined the phrase, "collateral damage" for the death of inoocent people in war, they, too named torture, "Enhanced Interrogation Techinques". Once again, beautiful euphemisms,

The British government was given a week to consider its refusal to disclose material involving Mr. Mohamed in August 2008, (High Court Judge ruling . Our stalwart British government argued the disclosure of its material would cause "significant damage to national security of the United Kingdom".

The wheels of the governmental bus go round and round exceedingly slowly when they choose.

Mr. David Davis, a senior Conservative and former shadow home secretary, said that a High Court ruling today, Wednesday 4th of February 2009, suggests the US threatened to withdraw intelligence help from the UK if details were released.

Now, if true, it comes as no surprise to me, given the "I rule the world" attitude of the ex-President, Mr. George "Human beings and fish can live together" Bush.

Mr Davis said the Judge had stated in Wednesday's ruling that information in the case was in the public interest although it was "potentially embarrassing" to the government.

And that is the nub of this matter, isn't it? Bad enough that the government are being continually embarrassed over other matters without adding more fuel to the fire

Mr. Mohamed? Guilty or innocent of the accusations against him, the public have a right to know considering all the rhetoric, (diatribe?), put out by the governments concerned over human rights. It seems the phrase "national security", is a very useful tool to cover a multitude of sins today, and used by many governments, even those in the so-called "free" world

Mr. Mohamed is to be released - interpret that how you will!

Mr. Mohammed is being represented by the group Reprieve - a group of human rights lawyers who have worked for many UK detainees in Guantanamo, ( http://www.reprieve.org.uk/index.html ).

There is a video on the Reprieve site - I tried to embed it here but it was taking too long to download.

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine, (Thomas Jefferson).

See ya

03 February 2009

Gao Zhisheng

Gao Zhisheng is a self-taught human rights lawyer, and has been very active in this field. His problem? He is Chinese and lives in China.
He was last heard of on January 19th, and has not been seen or heard from since. He left the communist party in December 2005, and was very active in denouncing the Chinese government's treatment of the Falung Gong - this brought him to their attention in October of the same year when he wrote open letters to government officials - not a way to endear yourself to such dictators. He and his family have been under surveillance ever since.
Sophie Richardson of Human Rights Watch said, and I quote, "We are intensely fearful for Gao Zhisheng's safety at this time, given the security authorities' long history of abusing him and his family. He has given detailed accounts of how he was tortured in police custody in the past and he may well be suffering more of the same right now."
Wonder if British wonderboy and Prime Minister Gordon Brown asked after him during his meetings with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao?
Highly unlikely - he was too busy kissing arse to worry about some self-educated lawyer who was born in a cave.
Those who sup with the devil should take a long spoon - doubtful Gordon's is long enough.
See ya

02 February 2009


What a pretty picture they make in this early 20th century photo - Romanis in England ready for hop picking.
The Roma people experience far worse discrimation in Italy, I know. The discrimination there can only be viewed as pure racism reminiscent of Mussolini and his Nazis.
However here in the U.K. there is prejudice and bigotry, if not on the same scale as in Italy,
So who are they then, these travellers?
Well the name travellers covers many types, including thr Roma people.
And not all travellers are good people believe me.
The word travellers is associated in the minds of many with slums, squalor and lack of education.
The Roma are a proud people with a different culture to mainstream Britain, and, (as throughout history), those who dance to the sound of a different drum are viewed as suspicious.The law says that local councils must provide permanent sites for these people, but many local residents, viewing all travellers as trouble makers and vermin, fight the establishment of such sites vehemently.
As always, prejudice cannot be legislated against.
If only the Roma still travelled around in picturesque horse-drawn caravans - very selfish of them to want modern warm waterproof caravans to raise their children in.
See ya


Emotive photo? Yes, I guess it is, especially if you've just had your breakfast, I guess we have become accustomed to such images,and seeing them regular sort of numbs us about the real human horrors of such situations - maybe even sets us thinking "What the hell? Been happening for centuries?".
Score so far? Deaths - Israel 13 Gaza 1,000.
Am I imagining it? Or is there something a bit disproportionate here?
It is well known that the U.S. government supports the Israeli administration, and that's understandable seeing as how lobbying, (especially from Jewish groups), influences politics. (NO, I am not anti-Jewish, and YES, I am anti-lobbying when policies can be determined by non-elected individuls or groups).
It seems, (so far anyway), that Obama has no intentions of changing the situation, and I quote, "My view is that the United States' special relationship with Israel obligates us to be helpful to them in the search for credible partners with whom they can make peace, while also supporting Israel in defending itself against enemies sworn to its destruction,"
That special relationship is, I am sure, determined by the funding supplied by the lobbying groups. So there.
Do I have a soluton to this Middle east problem?
NO, but it does not stop me, (or many others), condemning the Israeli war machine and those who guide it.
I believe the U.S. military call it collateral damage - what a beautiful euphemism for what actually happens on the ground. Sick to my mind too - bloody sick.
Wonder if the use of that term gives any comfort to the man in the photo above? Wonder if it comforts the 1,000's of people who suffered similar losses.
There are no winners in war - the so-called winning side often loses moral integrity - loses a little something of their humanity.
The U.N.? Yeah yeah - as with all organisations, they sit in splendid isolation in their ivory tower in New York, immune from the real horrors, except for those representatives that venture out to see it for themselves, those who actually witness and experience the horror of grieving families and the rank metallic smell of spilt blood in the streets and hospital corridors, the smell so strong that you can taste it. The sickly sweet lingering odour of decomposing bodies. God forbid non-elected national representatives from most countries should experience such things. They're too busy fluffing up their feathers in the hope of achieving status in the competitive corridors of power.
If you imagine the U.N. is a powerful, influential, body, then think again. Look at some of its member states.
Italy - treating the Roma people like scum of the earth, much the same as the Nazis treated them in WWII.
Saudi Arabia - total failure to accept the U.N. Bill of Human rights in almost every way.
The U.N. reaction to these, and many other such states? A quick slap on the wrist then back into bed to continue politically shagging each other.
The list is never-ending.
If i succeed in making just one person stop and think then I'm happy, because that 1 might just talk to others. You know what I mean - six degrees of separation and all that.
See ya


I have not written anything since last year. Personal sort of crisis when my partner walked out on me without saying a word - went missing.
Not really a good excuse for ignoring human rights abuse. Never have ignored them really, but could not write anything worth reading.
I'm back now and will soon be making entries.