14 July 2008


This is only a preliminary blog because I want to make sure of some facts before I write.

I am not so naieve as to believe our government has not done shady deals with many personna non grata, (or countries non-grata).

But it is strange reading that China, (our atheist communist state so bent on obliterating Tibetan culture, and now about to be host to the most polluted Olympics the world has ever seen), is heavily into supporting the Sudanese government, ( a rigid Moslem state having Shariah law), a gang hell bent on wiping out another group in Dafur.

I know! Governments do it all the time for political and financial expediency; but the depth of their involvement goes way beyond those two items from what I have read so far.

Man really is the most dangerous species ever to populate this earth - it's just that some of us, (embarrassing, isn't it, aligning ourselves with fellow "human beings" like Bashir, Chairman Wen Jiabao and others like them), have a sense of what is right and wrong - shame it is only some.
Prosecutors at the International Court have accused Bashir of war crimes in Darfur. Jiabao? Unlikely anything will happen to him - too much business involved to risk losing it. Also explains why the USA cuddles up to China and condemns Cuba - What profits to be made really from cigars?
Or am I being cynical?
WIll be back with more in Sudan and China in the next few days
See ya

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