23 July 2008


Yes, that is a man chatting on his mobile just metres from 2 teenage girls who drowned, and, yes, they are Roma. If by any chance you are from Naples and know him - please tell him how despised he is - and not just by me I am sure.
Hang your heads in shame, Naples sunbathers. I really wonder sometimes if some Italians belong in the 21st century – how long before they commence witch hunts to aid them in their seemingly unending determination to discriminate against the Roma people?
Yes, I know, there are many good Italians, and, if that sounds patronising it’s not meant to be.
BUT, the events of the 19th of this month when 2 out of 4 girls drowned in Naples while sunbathers looked onis disgusting and an insult to 21st century society. The bastards even kept right on sunbathing while the 2 bodies lay covered close to them! Others were seen catching the moments on their mobile phones and cams. Lifeguards did attempt to rescue all 4, but only 2 survived.
The Italian newspaper Il Messaggero reported it took 1.5 hours for police to arrive, authorities say because of bureaucracy complications, due to the fact that the girls were not Italian citizens but immigrants from Eastern Europe – explains everything, the girls being Roma too.
There has been outrage in Italy sure – especially from Everyonegroup, of which I am a member; but many others too.
However, it reflects very badly on Italy as a whole, especially when the government adopts racist policies too – unfortunately, the majority of the population are probably hoping someone else will do something.
Until that happens, Italy will be looked upon as being on the outskirts of civilisation in Europe – a country set apart because of its primitive, racist outlook on life. Very sad for the many who do not hold such views – but, in that case, they should get up off their arses and prove Italy is worthy of E.U. membership, worthy of being called a great nation. Right now, looking in from the outside, it sure looks like Italy’s sliding backwards towards the 1940’s and beyond.
They say a leopard never changes its spots - is it true of certain national characteristics too?
see ya

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