30 July 2008


This is a photo of Victor and Elena when they met with Everyonegroup members - Victor and Elena are seated on the left. Surprise you, does it? They look like ordinary people.
(photo taken by Steed Gamero Campos)

You doubt the existence of racism in Italy? Read on, and this is being written just 4 days after the incident happened – not Dickens’s 19th century London, but July 30th 2008.
But first, I will take a step back to August 10th last year, when 4 children, (Eva, Menjii, Danchiu and Lenuca Carolea), died in a fire in Italy. Yes, they were Roma, and their parents were arrested for abandoning them, having chased after some racists. When they came back to their place, it was ablaze and the 4 children died. A petrol bomb had been used to murder them – remains of molten glass were found in the debris – no ordinary fire can melt glass.
Victor, and his wife Elena, (parents of Lenuca), have been attacked again – last Saturday. Their makeshift home below the Citadella bridge in Pisa was destroyed by fire along with all their possessions – the fire almost certainly a direct result of more racist attacks.
They spent that night sleeping in a local park – until the police “took” them to the station and put them on a train to Livorno, where they were once again caught by police and shipped back to Pisa, where they are still wandering the streets homeless. There was no offer of assistance or help following their loss on Saturday, and no doubt the racist gangs responsible for both fires will keep trying – such blind prejudice and hatred does not fade, but grows stronger with each successful attack - grows stronger while the general population pretend none if this is happening, or choose to ignore it as not being their problem.
I said yesterday it is time for decent Italians to prove to the rest of Europe and the world they ARE NOT racist neo-Nazis – prove they are a people worthy of EU citizenship and NOT the lowest form if life on earth as they seek to racially cleanse the country.
We have an expression in English - tarred with the same brush. Well, if you decent Italians sit by and watch this happen again and again without doing anything then, yes, you deserve you be labelled neo-Nazi racists because of your apathy towards the plight of these people.
Also, the Italian government announces it is going to put 3.000 troops to patrol the streets to fight crime, although, having a suspicious nature. I suspect darker reasons for this move by the E.U.’s most primitive, racist country – or by its government anyway.
I have no words to describe the repulsion I feel towards many Italian politicians. It is easy to see how Mussolini so quickly aligned himself with Hitler – is it a national trait? Prove me wrong those Italians reading my blog – please.
Don’t just read my blog, do what you can to support this proud and independent group called the Roma.

See ya

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