09 March 2008


Those of you who already follow the other blog abour Brian and I know that the blog was becoming a mouthpiece for human rights. Brian did not complain - far from it; but I decided that human rights deserved a blog all of their own - so here it is.
I can't tell you what it will be about - maybe just personal views - for sure campaigns and links - hopefully a gentle, (sometimes hard), nudge to readers who, (mostly not intentionally so), choose to turn away, or cross the road and pass by on the other side.
Yes, I have done that sure - I have also written and campaigned over the years on behalf of many causes. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak with the health problems I have. BUT, I still believe in the power of the written word - the old adage, "The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword" is still valid today . Shame that so many people seem to have lost the ability to write, and that is criminal. We live in an age of mass communication - no need for paper and pen - no stamps or trip to the post box. All we have to do is register our approval, anger, or disquiet and send it - WHAM! Gone in 60 seconds, (less actually, but who counts?). if only all those people who express their opinions in speech would take a few minutes to send them by e-mail.
All I can hope is my blog will stir a few people into action - and maybe, just maybe, those few will stir a few others. SImilar to the Theory of Chaos - the Butterfly Effect, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect).
Yeah, I still have a basic faith in humanity, even if that faith is misplaced a lot of the time.
See ya

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