24 March 2008


The Olympic flame was lit today amid attempts to disrupt it by Tibet supporters. Yes, I agree, the Olympics are a symbol of international cooperation and peace; but how can anyone consider this as such when the organising country is guilty of breaching such ideals. The word hypocrites comes to mind.
The president of the Chinese organising committee, Liu Qui, was disrupted by protesters as he spoke prior to the flame being lit, and more were awaiting it on its initial journey. The police moved in quickly, but not quick enough to prevent the images being broadcast world-wide, with the exception, of course, being China, who did not show the images on Chinese television.
I am sure these will not be the only protests as it makes its way to the Olympic stadium, and nobody should be surprised at such protests because the flame will be moving through countries that, (unlike China), allow free expression – some anyway.
The concept of the Olympics bringing people together in a combined act of brotherly love is a meritorious principle. Unfortunately, we live in the real world, and the real world has always had, and always will have, dictatorial regimes, who care little for world opinion.
The fact that many countries and companies are willing to prostitute their values in order to reap financial benefits shows just how much they truly care about freedom and human rights. God forbid that the people of Tibet should stand in the way of the mighty dollar,(or pound, rupee etc).
I hope and pray the flame’s path to China will be a rocky one, and that, even if the Chinese budge not one centimetre in their flagrant disregard for world opinion. They will at least know, (and hopefully sleep badly knowing that), millions around the world despise them.
There will be no blog for a few days because I am going into hospital tomorrow for a heart operation.
I’ll be back soon – I can only thank the supreme power(s) that be that there are others around the world, (especially Everyonegroup, of which I am a proud member), holding the torch high to shed light on abuse of human rights.
In fact, if you check our web site, (http://www.everyonegroup.com/), you will see the leaders of the group are proposing to award alternative medals to those athletes withdawing from the games in protest at the continuing Chinese aggression in Tibet.
I quote from the Official torch journey web site:-
The theme of the relay is "Journey of Harmony".
The theme embodies the Olympic ideal of 'placing sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity'. 'Harmony' boasts strong Chinese characteristics, and expresses the traditional Chinese philosophy in pursuit of a balance between man and nature, among people and between man's body and soul. It also supports Chinese people's wish of building a harmonious society of enduring peace and common prosperity.
To use a well-known phrase - WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS!
See ya

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