13 August 2012


So Pisa, in Italy, is offering Roma people 500 Euros to leave for Romania. What generous people the Pisan authorities are! Kindness such as this is not seen often in the 21st century,
Although, are the Pisa authorities in the 21st century? It seems highly unlikely, and the plan is just short of ethnic cleansing.
Harsh words? No, not if you read about the living conditions of Roma in Romania.
Fotis Filippou, EU Team Campaigner for Amnesty International has investigated their plight, and it does not make for happy reading,

The symbol at the top is that of Pisa. Now I assume it is a Christian cross, which would suggest Pisa is a Christian-friendly city, (most of the citizens are Roman Catholic I am sure); and yet, their actions remind one more of Nazi techniques.
And this leads us to a very important question.
Why is the Holy See so quiet on the what is happening? Their silence suggests indifference, if not complicity by default. Does not the Pope have an obligation to speak out? To condemn? The Vatican is quick enough to prosecute a Vatican official for minor offences, and yet keep its head down on serious, urgent matters.
Guilt by default, but I fear the Pope is far more concerned about nuns in the USA than the persecution of Roma people.
Might "Let them eat cake" as per Marie Antoinette not be appropriate?

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