13 August 2012
04 August 2012
26 June 2012
Hamzy, who runs a language institute in Al Arish, North Sinai, has, and does, work hard to help these people - even taking time to search for bodies of those murdered so thay can now have a decent burial.
Many remain in camps in the Sinai on the hope of crossing the border.
Hamzt now is sure his life is in danger, and Everyone group have said for him to go to the Italian Embassy, but Egyptian police will not help him reach there.
Below is a message received by Roberto Mallini about 14:00 hours British time.
Dear Roberto Malini, dear John Stauffer,
this moment, i can't move from my place; I am 40 Km from Arish, if i feel the way to Cairo safety i will escape fast there and after call or go direct to Italian Embassy. I repeat again police told me, we can not do any thing for you, why you put yourself in this position? That is all. I am afraid, the traffickers may be find me or catch me in this case, they will torture me before kill me as they promised and told me.
Pray for me please until be out of Sinai. Hamdy
We ca n only hope and pray he will reach Cairo. What ever the outcome, once again, our Everyone Group has done everything in its power to help him
24 June 2012
Only recently a young Roma couple were attacked in the park in Bologna. After hospital treatment,, (the wife was pregnant), the police issued the husband with a deportation order, in spite of his having being born in Italy.
This is just the most recent in a long line of abuse carried out by Italian authorities with little regard to human rights and EU laws.
I have supported Everyone Group for a number of years, and will continue to do so proudly and happily.
I only wish more EU citizens would support the work of this unique group which is part of our EU community.
31 March 2012
The English Defence League is hoping to gain strength by uniting with other European groups today, Saturday 31st March, (it is called a European Counter-Jihad meeting on their web site). They are holding a rally in Aarhus Denmark. The voice of the EDL as a group is frightening enough, and one can only wonder about the future situation in Europe, (and elsewhere), as they fan the flames of bigotry and hatred. It's hard to understand their mindset, but one cannot argue with their strategy – the economic crisis is resulting in job losses and unemployment everywhere; that, plus the resulting hardship, gives groups like the EDL and its ilk fertile ground on which to sow the seeds of discontent – an easy target for their warped, ideological principles . Scapegoats have been used throughout history, and European Muslims make an ideal target at this time for no logical reason whatsoever. They play on peoples' fear of extremist Muslims to spread fear of all Muslims, most of whom lead honest decent lives.
Another worrying factor is, this is the first time an English, right wing, extremist group is attempting to develop a European-wide opposition to Islaam. Numbers attending the rally are not expected to be high, but numbers count for nothing when these ultra-extremists seem so determined to bring about unity on such a scale.
They claim the meeting will be a protest; no mention of the word "peaceful", and, even if it is, no sort of peace i know will come from it. Once this type of fire is lit, it is hard, if not impossible, to extinguish it
The EDL is not the only such extreme group in Europe, ( you will find many such groups across Europe just by searching on the web), but adapting to a group that crosses borders has the potential to be a larger ticking time bomb than previously.
15 February 2012

Hamza Kashgari, a Saudi journalist made some tweets on twitter suggesting he both loved and hated the Prophet Muhammed. This is blasphemy in Saudi Arabia, but their laws on blasphemy are somewhat different to anywhere else.
Religious authorities have decided he should be punished, and the order went out to Malaysia to return him, which they have. Now, the relationship between Saudi and Malaysia is two-pronged. First, they are both Muslim countries and, secondly, Malaysia earns a lot of money via Malaysians working in the Kingdom, and who send their money home. No way do the Malaysian authorities want to upset the Kingdom for fear of losing all that income. The fact too that many Malaysians working in Saudi are mistreated seems of little consequence, and that is based on my own observations having worked in Saudi Arabia and seen what can happen in the way of ill treatment, especially of female servants. I guess you call it kissing arse - the worst form of a somewhat dubious habit at the best of times.
Hence, Hamza has been deported back and could face execution, (possibly preceded by torture). There is no such thing as religious freedom in Saudi for Saudi citizens, and you can hardly expect a fair trial in a country that executes people for being witches - in the 21st century!
Sign the petition here:-
And visit the Everyone Group, (link on the right).