20 March 2008


The title? A “modified” Dickens quote by Mr. Bumble in Oliver Twist, (“If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble,… “the law is a ass—a idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is that his eye may be opened by experience—by experience.”).
I am sure that many national representatives at the U.N. feel that they are doing a great job. The problem is, they are so removed from the real world, (ensconced as they are in their ivory tower), that they fail to fulfil their duties to the ordinary men and women they purport to protect and watch over.
Take the 1948 U.N. declaration of human rights. How many member states abide by those articles? And how many member states do anything when a fellow member abuses, or ignores, those rights?
Maybe I take too simplistic view, and I am convinced that were I to ask any representative, they would put forward what they considered a reasonable argument for their dereliction of duty.
Examples? There are so many. True, I will not touch on many cases or all articles because it would mean a blog so long most people would give up reading it.
Article 4. Slavery. Having seen the situation with Asian servants in Saudi Arabia myself, I would say that it exists there.
Article 5. and the U.S.A. Can we seriously believe that torture and degrading treatment is not being used during interrogations? This applies to many countries, not just the U.S.A; but, you have the greatest responsibility when you claim, and are acknowledged, (albeit grudgingly), to be the world leader.
Article 18. and religion. How many countries have no freedom of religion and continue to flout the U.N. declaration without comment? China for one and Saudi Arabia. The Pope is in the process of trying to persuade the Saudis to allow churches, (for churches read Roman Catholic churches) and open practise of religion. There is nothing in Islam, (th the best of my knowledge), that prevents this. The problem is, Saudis follow the Wahabi extremist view, and he religious police called muttawahs hold sway over the country.
Article 19. Too many countries to mention individually that flout this one.
The list goes on and on. How can we be asked to accept this leviathan of an institution when it fails to institute or take action over the laws and rules its members formulated?
Or is it me? Am I failing to see something important?
The latest incidents in Tibet – what have the U.N. done? Slumped, yet again, into a heap of inactivity.
Plus ca change, plus la meme chose.

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