08 February 2009


The guy in the wheechair is 20 year old Joe Townsend - next to him is his grandfather, David Carter. Joe lost both legs and received other severe injuries when he stepped on an anti-tank mine when returning from foot patrol in the Helmund province of Afghanistan . Grandad and his wife want to build a specially adapted bungalow in their garden for Joe so he can live independently - local builders and contractors have offered to assist - so many local people support this - except for the local council planning department.

A spokesperson said "The circumstances in this case are not considered sufficient to warrant an exception to the usual restraint policies.” She also said Joe’s bungalow would be "intrusive" and breach planning laws even though no neighbours objected.
To be fair, (that's unusual for me, isn't it?), the council did offer a possible alternative site, BUT his grandparents want him close to enough to be there for him and still let him live independently.
Petty-minded bastards who sit on their fat arses in warm committee rooms fucking up other peoples's lives, especially a young guy like this who has fought for his country.
The tables amy be about to turn and permission MAY be granted - but let's keep up the pressure.
Some links and sites where you can protest - PLEASE PLEASE DO!

petition to Gordon Brown

Wealdon Council

Wealden District Council
Pine Grove
East Sussex TN6 1DH
Web site

e-mail address

Do what you can to help him
See Ya

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